Safety is Greeneville Lacrosse Club's #1 priority, no exceptions. Participants in lacrosse must be aware of the Official Rules. Participants are expected to play, coach, officiate and watch games according to their spirit and intent. Emphasis is placed on safety and good sportsmanship. Everyone involved with the game must act with consideration for the safety of others.
Players must ensure that their behavior, equipment and uniform conform to all required and allowable standards, as defined by USA Lacrosse rules.
Coaches must ensure that they are teaching their players to play by the rules. Coaches should participate in continuing lacrosse-specific education and training that helps them to understand and teach new rules and address safety concerns.
Officials must ensure fair and safe play by consistently enforcing the rules. Officials must take part in continuing lacrosse-specific education that helps them understand and interpret new rules.
Spectators must contribute to a safe-play environment by demonstrating positive and sportsmanlike conduct. Those watching lacrosse must understand and appreciate the unique rules and culture of the specific game they are watching.
Greeneville Lacrosse Club takes the safety of your child(ren) very seriously. Below is the outline of our Emergency Action Plan.
At every clinic, practice, and game, an adult will be designated as in charge of management of an emergency.
Ideally, an adult with a minimum of basic first aid training should be on site.
At a minimum, a basic first aid kit with materials to clean, cover, or immobilize an injured body part should be on site.
Every coach at every clinic, practice, and game will have a (paper copy) of a current roster with emergency contact numbers.
Every coach at every clinic, practice, and game will have a fully charged cell phone on their person.
At the youth level, more than one adult should be present to deal with the emergency and the other team members.
Make sure gates are open and access to the field and the athletes is not blocked.
Person in charge must control the scene and initiate the EAP.
Coaches, parents, and GLC leadership all have a role in ensuring adequate safety and preventive strategies are employed to keep athletes of all ages safe and in the game.
In the event of a medical emergency the on-duty physician, certified medical trainer, or paramedic will administer immediately emergency aid to the injured person. If none of the above are present, then the head coach or designated first aider will assume responsibility.
The designated person will immediately initiate the Emergency Medical System (EMS). The designated care provider will remain with the injured person at all times.
- Designated person use phone to dial 9-1-1 or other predetermined number
- Identify self and exact location
- State the nature of the injury
- Instruct emergency vehicle exactly where and how to reach the area
- Stay on line until operator disconnects
- Return to injury scene to be available for additional assistance
- Designated person meets emergency vehicle(s) at gate entrance
- Designated person works with security (if available) for crowd control and other needs.
- Designated person immediately calls parents/guardian and advise them of circumstances, then call the designated administrator and advise circumstances
- Designated person documents all information relating to injury and emergency response.
- Designated person accompanies the injured athlete to the hospital and remains until parents/guardian arrives or designated administrator arrives
U6: Parents must be present at practice at all times
U8/U10: Parents (or caregiver responsible) must be present at practice
U12: Parents don’t have to attend practice, but players must leave with a parent approved adult and have a Player Emergency Card on file.
U14: Parents don’t have to attend practice, but players must have a Player Emergency Card on file.
High School players come and leave as they please and must have a Player Emergency Card on file.
Greeneville Police Dept: 423-639-7111
Greene County Sheriff’s Office: 423-798-1800
Tusculum: 638-6211
Greeneville: 638-4223
Tusculum: 638-8068
Greene County-Greeneville Emergency Medical Services: 638-3441
Greeneville Community Hospital: 423-787-5000